Syapto enables the implementation and enforcement of consistent security policies across the platform. Access controls, authentication mechanisms, and authorization rules can be predefined and applied consistently to all Query API resources
Monitor the performance of your data query APIs in real-time. Whether its debugging and troubleshooting, error alerting, or capacity planning, observability provides detailed insights into your APIs and Queries
Synapto provides robust auditing capabilities, tracking user activities, changes, and resource usage. This audit trail helps organizations maintain compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies by providing visibility into who accessed what resources, when, and for what purpose
Accelerate your time-to-market by automating development processes like resource provisioning, infrastructure setup, and application deployment. Organizations can deliver products and services more quickly, efficiently, and reliable using Synapto.
Open source and cloud native go hand-in-hand. Synapto's open source nature provides transparency, flexibility, and extensibility, permitting users to modify and improve the platform based on their specific requirements. Its cloud native features offer flexibility and portability necessary for deployment across different cloud providers or on-perm environments, ensuring your services are prepared for the future
By automating repetitive and routine tasks minimizes the need for manual interventions, reducing developer costs and associated overheads. Additionally, automation lowers the occurence of developer error, and optimizes resource allocation, ensuring efficient utilization and eliminating wastage, which can result in significant cost savings
Discover key features of SYNAPTO and how it works
Synapto's Open-Core model stands on the shoulders of the CNCF and the Open Source Communities
Founder / CEO
Product Designer