
Control System
Command Center
Data API Platform


Control System
Command Center

Data API Platform


Building robust, secure, and scalable Data APIs necessitates the consistent repetition of critical tasks throughout the development life cycle:


It’s easy to become complacent when performing the same duties over and over, and even the most skilled developers can make careless mistakes — opening up security gaps in your infrastructure.

Time consuming

Time-consuming activities raise stress levels and tax already overworked developers. This ultimately increases the likelihood of errors in processes where developers remain highly involved.


The more moving parts the harder it is to manage. With any complex system, let alone team dynamics,  comes the inevitable battle with entropy. The increase of cognizant load and context switching on developers amplifies unpredicatability
Task offloading
Reduced distractions
Streamlined workflows
Enhanced accuracy
Scalability and Capacity
Strategic Decision Making


Synapto - A Data API Client that Manages, Monitors, and Automates data access with APIs

Synapto is equipped with features that automate infrastructure operations, observability, Data API Development and more!


Synapto affords users to independently perform tasks and access resources without relying on manual intervention. This leads to improved efficiency as users can quickly and easily access the tools, services, and resources they need without the need for assistance from IT or support teams. Keep your eye on the business. Not the boilerplate.

Increased Efficiency

Allow developers to focus on higher-value tasks, domain logic, and creative problem-solving by eliminating distractions, offloading repetitive work, and streamlining workflows. By freeing up time and attention, automation empowers developers to direct their focus towards areas that truly require their creativity and impact business value


Automation brings reliability, standardization, and consistency to processes, minimizing developer error and introduces uniformity by following predefined rules and workflows. It enables organizations to anticipate outcomes, ensure consistent performance, and make data-driven decisions to unlock business value.

Synapto - A Data API Client that Manages, Monitors, and Automates data access wtih APIs

Solving the right problems. Not boilerplate problems. Optimize DX to maximize UX. Stay up-to-date with the latest from Synapto!
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Security & Access Controls

Syapto enables the implementation and enforcement of consistent security policies across the platform. Access controls, authentication mechanisms, and authorization rules can be predefined and applied consistently to all Query API resources

Observability Built-In

Monitor the performance of your data query APIs in real-time. Whether its debugging and troubleshooting, error alerting, or capacity planning, observability provides detailed insights into your APIs and Queries

Audited and Documented

Synapto provides robust auditing capabilities, tracking user activities, changes, and resource usage. This audit trail helps organizations maintain compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies by providing visibility into who accessed what resources, when, and for what purpose

Speed Matters

Accelerate your time-to-market by automating development processes like resource provisioning, infrastructure setup, and application deployment. Organizations can deliver products and services more quickly, efficiently, and reliable using Synapto.

Open Core and Cloud Native

Open source and cloud native go hand-in-hand. Synapto's open source nature provides transparency, flexibility, and extensibility, permitting users to modify and improve the platform based on their specific requirements. Its cloud native features offer flexibility and portability necessary for deployment across different cloud providers or on-perm environments, ensuring your services are prepared for the future

Cost Savings

By automating repetitive and routine tasks minimizes the need for manual interventions, reducing developer costs and associated overheads. Additionally, automation lowers the occurence of developer error, and optimizes resource allocation, ensuring efficient utilization and eliminating wastage, which can result in significant cost savings

3 steps to Data API automation

Craft an API

Developers are already familiar with REST API Clients as a standard tool. In a similar manner, Synapto adopts a standardized REST API Client interface, leveraging developers' existing expertise rather than requiring them to learn a new DSL.
When creating your APIs, Synapto automatically generates OAS documentation, eliminating the need for manual documentation and making it readily available for sharing with your team
The contract you define is precisely what is implemented, ensuring consistency and accuracy throughout the process

Write a Query

Many developers are already familiar with DB Clients for their interactions with databases. With Synapto, you can easily connect to existing databases or create a new one, and utilize the user-friendly Synapto UI to manage your queries.
Create categories and tags for your queries. Synapto automatically creates a JSON schema of any returned data from a query

Connect them together

With your API crafted and your query written, the only task remaining is to connect them together
Attaching your API to a Query sets the wheels of Synapto's automation in motion, mechanizing your Data Query API
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3 steps to Data API automation

Craft an API

Developers are already familiar with REST API Clients as a standard tool. In a similar manner, Synapto adopts a standardized REST API Client interface, leveraging developers' existing expertise rather than requiring them to learn a new DSL.

When creating your APIs, Synapto automatically generates OAS documentation, eliminating the need for manual documentation and making it readily available for sharing with your team
The contract you define is precisely what is implemented, ensuring consistency and accuracy throughout the process

Write a Query

Many developers are already familiar with DB Clients for their interactions with databases. With Synapto, you can easily connect to existing databases or create a new one, and utilize the user-friendly Synapto UI to manage your queries.
Create categories and tags for your queries. Synapto automatically creates a JSON schema of any returned data from a query.

Connect them together

With your API crafted and your query written, the only task remaining is to connect them together
Attaching your API to a Query sets the wheels of Synapto's automation in motion, mechanizing your Data Query API.

Use cases

Data Scientists

Synapto is your API as-a-service platform!
Whether you are creating reports or performing analytics, write your queries and share the results by creating your own APIs
No need to ping another team to create a service over your queries
No need to provision and architect your API service
Synapto automates the build, deployment, and architecture to service your data queries with your APIs

Frontend developers

Synapto is your Backend-Database as-a-Service platform!
Easily and quickly create REST APIs for your web applications. Simply define how your endpoint looks like, attach a data query to the endpoint, and publish the API
No need to spinup a backend to expose your APIs and connect to databases
No need to configure a database or maintain database drivers
Synapto automates the backend service so you can stay focused on the frontend and consume only the endpoints that you need

Backend developers

Synapt is your Data API as-a-service platform!
Alleviate the management of multiple repos and multiple services that handle data from multiple data sources. Use a centralized service that handles all your API-to-Data requests
No need to generate new services to expose data queries
No need to maintain server code, ORMs, or database drivers
Synapto auto-generates your API gateways that integrates with your data source making API management a breeze

Use cases

Data Scientists

Whether you creating reports or performing analytics, write your queries and share the results by creating your own APIs
No need to ping another team to create a service over your queries
No need to provision and architect your API service
Synapto automates the build, deployment, and architecture to service your data queries with your APIs

Frontend developers

Easily and quickly create REST APIs for your web applications. Simply define how your endpoint looks like, attach data query to the endpoint, and publish the API.
No need to configure a database
No need to spinup a backend to expose your APIs and connect databases
Synapto automates the backend service so you can stay focused on the frontend and consume only the endpoints that you need

Backend developers

Alleviate the management of multiple repos and multiple services that handle data from multiple data sources. Use a centralized service that handles all your API-to_Data requests
No need to generate new services to expose data queries
No need to maintain server code and database drivers
Synapto auto-generates your API gateways that integrates with your data sourcing making API management a breeze

Discover SYNAPTO

Discover key features of SYNAPTO and how it works

Built on top of Cloud-Native Technologies

Synapto's Open-Core model stands on the shoulders of the CNCF and the Open Source Communities


Q2 2024
Open Source Launch
• Synapto Dashboard
• PostgreSQL Integration
• Local Development Workflow
Q1 2025
GitOps Launch
• Github Actions Integration
• Argo CD Integration
• Observability Dashboard
• Synapto Control Plane
Q4 2025
Cloud Launch - MVP
• RBAC Integration
• Security Policy Integration
• CI/CD Integration
• Multi-Tenancy

Meet our team

Our team comprises of a diverse professional duo, each with a unique set of skills and expertise.

We consistently achieve exceptional outcomes through hard work, collaboration, and harnessing our individual strengths.
Roberto Fuentes

Founder / CEO

Tanya Makarukha

Product Designer

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